Featured Plants
Ready for your home
For over 20 years the Greenhouses and Nursery has sold beautiful and fragrant flowering plants, seasonal plants, and houseplants to the public, at excellent prices. A visit to the Nursery and Greenhouse is a lively experience. Shoppers rarely leave without one or many unique – sometimes eclectic – plant(s) and a very contented smile.
With Spring/Summer/Fall in full bloom, you’ll find the following selections – many which are excellent for water-wise gardening:
For over 20 years the Greenhouses and Nursery has sold beautiful and fragrant flowering plants, seasonal plants, and houseplants to the public, at excellent prices. A visit to the Nursery and Greenhouse is a lively experience. Shoppers rarely leave without one or many unique – sometimes eclectic – plant(s) and a very contented smile.
With Spring/Summer/Fall in full bloom, you’ll find the following selections – many which are excellent for water-wise gardening:
- Nursery tables filled with perennials, hardy succulents, grasses, shrubs, geraniums, vines, clivias, exhibition chrysanthemums and much more.
- From our special gardens: Plants featured in our Butterfly & Hummingbird Garden are available for purchase, and we have several excellent roses waiting to grace your gardens. Sustainability is highlighted with a newly expanded table of California native plants, many which thrive in our California natives planting under the sign at the 9th Avenue entrance to Central Park. Our demonstration garden (next to the Kohl Pumphouse) features many of the plants available on Nursery tables, so you can see how they perform in the ground.
- Our house plant greenhouse rooms are packed with a wide selection of house plants, bromeliads, ferns, begonias and many other selections.
- The orchid greenhouse room has hundreds of easy-care and also some rare varieties for sale – many which are in bloom.
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